Title: Fractonic Coulomb Gas Model of Shear Induced Jamming

Author (Snapshot): Mike D'Eon, Brandeis University


Particles densely suspended in a fluid are known to exhibit shear induced jamming. The rigid state emerges from a flowing state in which body forces (Stokes drag for example) are necessary to balance contact forces whereas in the rigid state force balance is achieved without these hydrodynamics forces. A question that arises is how the density of body forces vanishes at the shear jamming transition. A recent mapping of body forces in amorphous solids to vector fractonic charges (Phys. Rev. E 106, 065004), opens up the possibility of mapping this transition to a binding-unbinding transition in a Coulomb gas of fractons. We will present results of an analysis of screening of vector charges to study the binding-unbinding transition in such a Coulomb gas.

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