Title: Packing and Crease Evolution under Iterative Twist-Crumpling

Author (Snapshot): Amit Dawadi, Clark University


We will discuss the crumpling of a thin sheet rolled into a cylinder and then repeatedly twisted about its central axis to study the significance of loading protocol on the evolution of creases. A compact cylindrical bundle develops with a length and diameter which decreases with applied twist angle. We examine the evolution of the curvature and total crease length as a function of applied strain and number of iterations. The curvature and total crease length evolution are found to be highly dependent on the exact crumpling protocol employed. Notably, the folding of the sheet primarily follows the first iteration when the sheet is crumpled under the quasi-static loading conditions unless the initial sheet orientation is varied after each iteration. The observed evolution will be contrasted with repeatedly hand-crumpled sheets, and sheets with different bending stiffness.

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