Title: Scaling for a rigid-floppy transition in disordered elastic networks

Author (Talk): Stephen Thornton, Cornell University


Dense suspensions of granular particles, upon increasing volume fraction or shearing, begin to form disordered contact networks and “jam,” leading to drastic changes in system properties. We study the related transitions of rigidity percolation and jamming in randomly diluted elastic networks [1]. By leveraging an analytically tractable effective medium theory (the CPA), we find scaling variables and universal scaling functions in the vicinity of these transitions, and make estimates of how elastic moduli, viscosities, and correlation functions should behave near such a transition [2]. We find logarithmic corrections to the scaling at finite frequency in 2 dimensions. [1] D. B. Liarte, X. Mao, O. Stenull, and T. C. Lubensky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 128006 (2019) [2] D. B. Liarte, S. J. Thornton, E. Schwen, I. Cohen, D. Chowdhury, and J. P. Sethna, Phys. Rev. E 106, L052601 (2022)

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