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Sackler Science Center, Clark University, Worcester, MA

The Northeastern Granular Materials Workshop (NEGW) is designed to bring researchers and students in the North East (New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) together to discuss their work on granular materials and explore collaborations. The workshop features pedagogical talks, short contributed talks, and poster sessions.

13th Northeastern Granular Materials Workshop at Clark University, Worcester, MA:

The 13th Northeastern Granular Materials Workshop (NEGW) will be held at The Complex Matter and Nonlinear Physics Laboratory, Clark University on June 12th, 2015. The talks and poster sessions will take place in Sackler Science Center, Johnson Auditorium (Room 120). Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be served. The workshop will include four longer pedagogical talks, approximately 5 10-minute contributed talks, and a poster session. The workshop will begin with breakfast and registration from 8:30 - 9:30 AM (with the first talk starting at 9:30 AM) and end around 4:00 PM. This year's Workshop follows the successful traditions of the first eleven workshops held at Clark University (2003), Yale University (2004), Wesleyan University (2005), City College of New York (2006), University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2007), Brandeis University (2008), Yale University (2009), Schlumberger-Doll (2010), MIT (2011), Clark University (2012), Yale University (2013), Brown University (2014).

Thanks to our sponsors: Clark University and the National Science Foundation.

Invited speakers

Contributed Talks:

We invite you to submit titles and abstracts for the 15-minute contributed talks and poster sessions. Contributed talks that complement the invited talks will receive first priority with a maximum of one talk per group. The remaining submissions will be presented during the poster sessions. Titles and abstracts can be submitted online. Decisions concerning contributed talks will be made approximately one week before the Workshop. A list of participants and titles and abstracts of invited talks and contributed talks and posters can be viewed online.


All participants must register before June 8, 2015 so that we can accurately estimate food orders. To register, click here and fill out the registration form. Breakfast, refreshment breaks, and lunch will be provided thanks to our sponsors: Clark University and the National Science Foundation.

Directions and Parking:

Driving directions to Clark and a map of the area are available, or you can do a map search from your point of origin.

Brief Directions: The central address for Clark University is 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA

Parking Information: Visitor parking is located on the top level of the Downing Street parking garage (Area 39 on the campus map). You may also choose to park in one of the ‘permit parking’ lots indicated on the campus map. The permit lots on Maywood Street and Woodland Street, are the 2 closest lots to the Sackler Science building (Area 41 on the campus map). If you park in the permit parking lots, please be sure to display the parking decal on your dashboard. Thank you.

Additional Information:

Please contact us [email] if you have any more questions about the Workshop. See you on June 12th.

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