Title: Modeling Shear-rate-gradient-driven Size-segregation in Dense, Bidisperse Granular Flows Down a Vertical Chute

Author (Talk): Daren Liu, Brown University


Dense granular systems, consisting of particles of disparate sizes, segregate based on size during flow, resulting in complex, coupled segregation and flow patterns. There are two driving mechanisms of size-segregation during flow: (i) gravity and (ii) shear-strain-rate gradients. The mechanism of shear-rate-gradient-driven segregation has received less attention and, as such, is not as well understood. In this talk, we study this segregation mechanism in a flow configuration that eliminates gravity-driven segregation – gravity-driven flow down a long vertical chute with rough parallel walls. We perform two-dimensional discrete element method (DEM) simulations of vertical chute flow of dense, bidisperse granular systems. Specifically, we systematically study the effect of flow rate, chute width, fraction of large/small grains, and grain-size ratio on the segregation dynamics. This informs the development of continuum constitutive equations for both the shear-rate-gradient-driven size-segregation flux as well as the diffusion flux. When coupled with the nonlocal granular fluidity model – a recently-proposed, nonlocal continuum model for dense granular flow – we show that both the flow field and segregation dynamics may be simultaneously captured using this closed, coupled system.

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